Steel Constructions

Steel constructions with a weight per piece of up to 80 tons

Steel constructions get the best out of us, because we can implement all steps in-house, from the single component to construction and inspection. In our two large welding companies on the sites in Essen and Świętochłowice (Poland) we set up complex constructions weighing up to 80 tons including finish machining. Counter weight plates for mobile cranes, base frames for manipulators and gearboxes are just three examples of our massive steel constructions. In the course of this, we apply counstruction as well as fine-grained steel and even materail combinations.

Diverse Welding Procedures

For this purpose, different welding processes are at our disposal. In addition, we weld constructions consisting of material combinations by means of massive wire and cored wire welding, single and double wire submerged arc welding as well as manual arc welding. If desired by our customers, we also take over the subsequent processing of their work pieces. Here we cover the complete service chain from shot blasting, priming and heat treatment as well as the machining.

Documented Quality

We create very different, unusual and sophisticated constructions, whereas customer requirements are always our top priority. One thing, however, they have all in common: before leaving our company, employees of our internal quality assurance check each work piece thoroughly – in steel constructions, this predominantly refers to the seams. With this final quality check our employees finish a long series of tests and inspections which begins with a product‘s first working step. Furthermore, our quality assurance staff accompanies our products throughout the complete production process.

Optimally coordinated production possibilities

Every von Schaewen product, from the forged piece, to the flame-cut part, to the welded steel structure, can be machined or pre-machined upon request, up to the point of ready to be installed tool or machine components. Our offer is made complete by the appropriate heat treatment process for achieving the material properties you require.

Quality requirements for the fusion weldingUsed welding processes Welding certification of the company
Quality management manual DIN EN ISO 9001DIN EN ISO 4063:2011-03Manufacturer qualification
DIN 1090-2 EXC3
Quality requirements DIN EN ISO 3834-2MAG welding process 135, 136, 138
Welding manual according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2Submerged arc (UP) welding process 121