Press stringer;
heat treatedM;
MTC DIN EN 10204/3.1B
Business Activities:
Forged Products
End Use:
forging press
635 x 1,830 x 1,860 mm
Raw/Finish Weight:
16.9 to (raw)
Steel Grade:
The press stringer is a central component part of a press. The different types of pressing and the extensive areas of application define the size, type and form of the stringer.
The component part was forged contour-near, then burned and heat-treated. All required tests and acceptances were also implemented in our own testing laboratory. Thus our customer had a fixed point of contact for all requirements.
Our phone numbers
von schaewen GmbH Headquarter
T +49 201. 8110 – 0
Sales Forged Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 180
Sales Flat Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 181
Sales Merchant Bars
T +49 201. 8110 – 182
Sales Steel Constructions
T +49 201. 8110 – 183
Sales Large-Scale Mechanics
T +49 201. 8110 – 184