Press contact:
von schaewen GmbH
Kronprinzenstr. 14
45128 Essen
T. +49 201 8110 – 0
F. +49 201 8110 – 174
The participation in the EuroBLECH 2014 fair trade was a great success for the von Schaewen group. The presented exhibits enjoyed huge popularity. Due to the positive feedback during the trade fair and a lot of our customers‘ enquiries, we decided to publish the films on our own YouTube Channel.
The participation in the EuroBLECH 2014 fair trade was a great success for the von Schaewen group. The presented exhibits enjoyed huge popularity.
A finished-machined shaft as well as a massive, burnt block were exhibited.
The shaft is representative of our expertise in the delivery of ready-to-mount products and is partly based on a generator shaft with a complex turning treatment and partly on a reel shaft with a sophisticated milling process.
The block is a real masterpiece and is representative of our expertise in the production of massive flame cutted pieces. After burning, the external measurements of the block are 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,200 mm, the diameter of the hole is 600 mm.
The production of both exhibits was accompanied by a film team. Furthermore, at the trade fair the films were shown directly behind the exhibits.
Due to the positive feedback during the trade fair and a lot of our customers‘ enquiries, we decided to publish the films on our own YouTube Channel.
The Channel is available at
A few days later Germany’s foreign international broadcaster “Deutsche Welle“ carried out an interview on the topic “Percentage of women in supervisory boards“ at our site in Wetter. In the von Schaewen group the supervisory board consists of one third women and two thirds men. Ms Prätorius-Walch as well as the other members of the supervisory board and the company’s board of directors provided information on this controversial subject. The report is rounded off by a guided tour of the premises and some conversations with the young (female) generation in the Company.
Our phone numbers
von schaewen GmbH Headquarter
T +49 201. 8110 – 0
Sales Forged Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 180
Sales Flat Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 181
Sales Merchant Bars
T +49 201. 8110 – 182
Sales Steel Constructions
T +49 201. 8110 – 183
Sales Large-Scale Mechanics
T +49 201. 8110 – 184