stepped shaft;
finished machined;
heat treated;
MTC DIN EN 10204/3.1B
magnetic flow detection acc. to DIN 54130B
Business Activities:
Large-scale mechanics
End Use:
bucket-wheel excavator
max. diameter 1,680 mm,
length 4,370 mm
Raw/Finish Weight:
24.2 to (raw)
Steel Grade:
This shaft was manufactured for a bucket wheel excavator which is employed in the minehead building in the South-American region. It serves as a support and drive shaft of the blade wheel. The special feature of this shaft is in the high manufacturing extent and the complex mechanical processing. The largest flange of the shaft has a diameter of 1,680 mm. In total, the shaft weighs about 24 t. The material was forged, heat-treated and preprocessed mechanically in our own premises. After the preparatory roughing, a deep-hole bore was made by a partner company regularly certified by ourselves. After this, the tempering and finishing was implemented in our own premises.
All required tests and acceptances were also implemented in our own testing laboratory. Thus our customer had a fixed point of contact for all requirements.
Our phone numbers
von schaewen GmbH Headquarter
T +49 201. 8110 – 0
Sales Forged Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 180
Sales Flat Products
T +49 201. 8110 – 181
Sales Merchant Bars
T +49 201. 8110 – 182
Sales Steel Constructions
T +49 201. 8110 – 183
Sales Large-Scale Mechanics
T +49 201. 8110 – 184