Reference Generator stepped Shaft

stepped shaft;
finish machined and assembled;
heat treated;
MTC DIN EN 10204/3.1B

Business Activities:
Large-scale mechanics

End Use:
generator shaft

max. diameter 841 mm,
total length 4,965 mm

Raw/Finish Weight:
8.8 to (finish)

Steel Grade:

Full Description:

In power stations, current is generated with generators. A generator consists of a static part, the so-called generator stator, and a rotating part, the generator rotor. The rotor itself also consists of two parts: The generator shaft (also called rotor) and the generator poles. Electrical voltage is applied on the poles. The rotor is driven by a turbine. From the voltage and the rotating of the rotor in the generator a rotating field is formed which generates current.

A generator shaft is usually produced by a great number of suppliers in individual manufacturing stages. With our extensive manufacturing possibilities, we could reduce the number of suppliers to one. The product was forged from a single source, heat-treated, proved, pre-machined and finish-machined, pre-milled and finish-milled.

In this case, the pole shoes were also produced by ourselves, as well as the shaft. Here it involves burning parts which were finished by ourselves and then mounted onto the shaft.

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